I got the sense of my students’ rebelliousness, not from what they said nor from what they wore, but rather from what they wrote. Nary would I come across an essay in which a student hadn’t written the word defiantly over and over again. Dissent was obviously brewing deep inside of these young men and women.
I soon discovered that it wasn’t actually dissent that was brewing; it was poor spelling skills. You see, my students would misspell definitely as definately, and then Auto Correct would change it to defiantly.
After I realized that their “defiance” was a matter of spelling rather than principle, I began my own little campaign: the If You Are Going to Learn to Spell One Word Correctly, Make It Be Definitely campaign.
However, thanks to Microsoft Word 2010, I can finally put that campaign to rest. Microsoft Word 2010’s Auto Correct changes definately to definitely.
My next campaign: Stop the iPhone’s Auto Correct feature from changing hell to he’ll. Sometimes I do actually intend to reference Satan’s lair. If you’ve ever had to grade a stack of research papers, you’d understand why.
This is hilarious. I've caught the exact same mistake in my old work, but thankfully I've learned how to spell since then. :)
LOL! I HATE auto-correct. Hate it.
Okay, it's out. Now I feel better.
And smart move by Microsoft!
Someday there will be a grammar heaven, and autocorrect will not be in it.
Haha this is great. It drives me insane when people spell that word wrong!
Most days I definitely feel defiant.
How do you manage to stay sane among all those grammar mistakes when you are ... well... you? It must be maddening! :)
It's really funny that your students are having trouble with that word because I definitely have trouble with it too. When I'm typing all quick like, I tend to leave out the second i. I actually drive my self more crazy because I hate having to go correct a word I KNOW how to spell.
Ha ha! I was defiantly not defiant in high school.
Hello, my captain. *playfully salutes*
I have a love/hate relationship with the whole autocorrect function. Sometimes it is a life-saver and other times it can (and has been) terribly embarrassing. I'm not elaborating, but suffice it to say that a G-rated Tweet once came out quite the polar opposite. *lowers head in shame at recollection*
I see definitely spelled incorrectly all the time.
Hell to he'll? The program was obviously not written for teachers.
My phone changed the word "slurpee" the other day to "Siobhan." I do not know anyone by the name. Apparently, though, my phone does.
Oh my gosh, this is the exact reason I banned "definitely" from my students' papers. We brainstormed better options, as most of them were using it as fluff anyway. Also, my phone recently changed my "your" to "you're," which elicited an actual gasp from me. Thanks anyway, phone, but I actually know which one to use when, and you don't.
I don't get this. English isn't my mother tongue. Yet, I know it's "definitely".
Also, did you know that there is actually a site devoted to solving this problem?
Check it out.
Ha! Love the defiance! :)That error really annoys me, too.
Lol my hatred of auto-correct started with the fact that my name can (and has) on occasion correct to Mishap. Yes. With a capital M. mishagericke (from my e-mail address) can (and has) corrected to miscarriage. At least no capital on that one.
Point is, lesser people would have a complex by now... ;-P
Lol I have to say auto correct on my phone is the one thing that drives me crazy about texting! I actually mean some of the words I write and auto correct takes it upon itself to correct for me! Stop butting in auto correct!!!!
Brilliant! This post made me smile. :D
haha, that's one word that took me a while... definitely. I still have to consciously spell it right. :P
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