So I implore you to please stop reading books. And if you catch your friends reading a book or the guy next to you on the train reading his Kindle, please rip the reading material out of their hands and throw it away. Encourage them to spend more time on Facebook, or better yet, have them watch Jersey Shore marathons.
That way, late this year, when the Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares book is scheduled to come out, the nation will be in a grammar crisis and I will sell billions and billions of copies!
What I am trying to tell you is that I got a publishing deal!
I am new to this whole publishing thing, but what I do know is that the publisher said they were aiming for a fall release, that I have a million revisions to do, and that I am super excited.
Thank you all for reading this blog and giving me the confidence in my grammar vision to turn it into a book.
Now stop reading this, and start reading Snooki’s Twitter feed.
I think even if there's no impending grammar crisis, your book will do great. There are people like me, no matter how many books I read, I still need help. I don't need Snooki's bad influence.
I used to live in Australia too, how about that where were you? I lived in queensland then sydney before my family moved to NZ.
GYM TAN LAUNDRY!!! (Isn't that from Jersey Shore? I haven't seen it.)
Oh, my 8th graders will love this assignment!
This month-old foster baby is working hard to keep me from reading (and also sleeping and eating). Challenge accepted!
on most youtube channel pages these days, under "books:", you get either a "books?" "i hate reading" or an emoticon snicker of some sort. thankfully, i was part of the last generation before the current internet explosion where reading and holding the spine of a good ol' musty book still mattered. *kisses his book collection*
don't worry, beavis and butt-head have already taken care of snooki
Congrats! That's amazing news!
Great plan, btw. ;) I vow to stop reading and forget how to spell. I don't even know what a participle is. (no, really)
Best of luck with your revisions!
So excited for you! I will absolutely be purchasing your book! Good luck and have fun with it!!
Congrats!! I'm so happy for you! The year is starting with a bang for Missed Periods. :)
What about the Kardashians? Would that work? I admit to watching that disaster. I can't look away...
Awesome. Congratulations :)
I was wondering what you meant by stop reading :-)
Massive congratulations. LOL, I will tell the world to stop reading until your release!
What wonderful news - to be a published author! I am pleased and proud of you. I hope I can get an autographed copy. Really I do! I don't watch anything you mentioned I'm afraid and to go months without reading anything - for you I just might. I STILL am awaiting the official word from you Prof' on the usage of my favorite punctuation mark - the hyphen! If you don't tell me I swear I'll start reading again. :-)
It's an ingenious plan that just may work! Congratulations on the publishing deal too though :)
your theory might be 140% true.
I know people why cant use grammar for their lives. and i also know they read next to no books in their lives
I agree, literacy, good command of diction, and proper grammar are highly overrated. I mean, lol stp redding bokz lol.
WAH-HOO! I can leave comments here again. Thanks for making that change. Glad to be back!
Now, as I tried to say before that big bug swallowed my voice:
A-list congratulations on the book deal! Let me know when it's available in real flesh 'n' blood form (i.e., on paper between two covers) and I will buy a copy. BUT!... I expect to find my question answered therein.
Do you even remember what my question was? Protly not!...
It had to do with when and when not to capitalize directions (North, South, East, West), and when and when not to capitalize planets (e.g., Earth, Sun, Moon, etc.)
As far as my ceasing to read is concerned... nuttin' to worry 'bout there! I stopped reading circa 1965. The last book I read was 'Green Eggs And Ham'. (Never even quite got to the end of it. Still waiting for the movie to come out.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Congrats! So happy for you...now I'm off to check out your book!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you. Are you going to get to keep the title of your blog as the title of your book? I hope so; it's a cool title for your book. "Stop reading." What a great hook for your blog post too.
In your book, I hope you address parentheses. (Like when to use a period or exclamation point inside the parentheses.) And like when not to (at the end of a sentence). And what about this one (this is so exciting!)?
I am SO HAPPY for you. I think your book will be the most entertaining grammar book ever printed.
I dont need no help with,my grammer nor nothing like what your talking about so im not never going to ever like buy it and my freinds wont neither!!!!
Ok, I'll stop before my brain implodes. Seriously, that's great news, girl. Congratulations. Love the blog, will love the book too I'm sure. And in case you miss Australianese: Bloody beauty, mate!
Congrats on your publishing deal! That's awesome.
Congratulations! That's fantastic!
CONGRATULATIONS! I already recommend your blog. When your book is coming out, please add me to your blog tour. I'll buy a book for myself + all the grammerly challenged people I know.
Feel free to use "grammerly" in your book.
Congrats, Jenny! I'm SO excited. You have sold another copy here! (And I might buy a few more as gifts for those people who will not get offended.) :)
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