But, lately, the fact that I am the campus time management go-to person seems to make as much sense as hiring Ashton Kutcher to be a marriage consultant or Mel Gibson to run anger management courses.
Since school started this quarter, for some reason, I have been terribly unorganized. That, my friends, is why your much-appreciated requests for particular grammar lessons have up until now gone unaddressed. But I would like you to know that they haven’t been forgotten. I’ve been storing them in my cheeks like a chipmunk.
So starting with my next blog post, I am going to cover the following:
Hyphens for Mykuljay at Perception Is Reality Corner
When to capitalize north, south, east and west and when to capitalize planets for Stephen T. McCarthy at Stephen T. McCarthy's STUFFS
Supersede/Supercede for my friend Jennifer
Presume/Assume for my friends Emily and Travis
While you've got me focused, any other requests?
Congrats on your new position, lady!
I still don't know if you put a comma before writing "too" at the end of a sentence. Just give that a quick line shout out! :)
THank you for your expertise!
If you've got anything in your bag of tricks to rid 8th graders of their fear of commas, I'd love hear it.
They are keeping you pretty busy. You should demand more money. I'm interested in the supercede/supersede thing, I thought it was just two different ways to spell the same word. Like realise/realize.
Though if there's a post in "realise" then go for it too.
>>..."While you've got me focused, any other requests?"
Yeah. Can you play "Ain't Misbehavin'"?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Using semi-colons? I currently only use it to give a winky smile like this ;)
I think you should cover apostrophes, since very few people know how to use them (or maybe that is just the people I know)
Also I think the "and I/me" is worthy of a post for the same reason as above.
Yep ... Tell Stephen that he's allowed to capitalize every single word because that's how I imagine he speaks in "roil" life. ;o)
GAH! Yes please! Use of subjunctive. As in, "Yesterday, she said that later this week she ___ buy six pairs of shoes."
Will or would? HELP!
No requests from me but don't worry, we understand your lack of content. We all get busy. :)
um...can i set up a personal session with you some time? i've got a boatload of problems to sort out, could take all day.
meredith brooks
Do I have any grammar questions? No, I'm good. Or am I well? I don't know! Please tell me if I am WELL or GOOD, because really I just feel confused!
Great that you are involved with IDEAS.
Always enjoy reading your posts.
Since you said you spent some time in Aus, which spelling for colour do you prefer (color for americans i guess).
Hooray! You didn't forget. Besides hypens what about the plain Jane comma? I had a philosophy instructor in college and by god she would red line nearly every comma I put in as - unnecessary. And this was a philosophy paper?? HELP and I will send large sums of money in unmarked bills. :-)
Oh lord I have another one Prof'....... And you other writers please don't laugh.
Do quotation marks go OUTSIDE the punctuation mark or INSIDE?
He said, "It is so damn cold outside." Or...........outside".
I have no requests for you other than that you continue to stay cool, rock on and be bad-ass!
Sorry I haven't been around as much. Life is crazy, you know!
Have a great weekend!
I have a feeling you've done ellipses before, but if you haven't, that's my request!
I like the capitalisation idea. Hmm, other stuff... Darn, I'll probably think of something two days from now, in the shower. Oh wait, I know. Ellipses. I use them a lot. Might as well make sure I'm using them correctly...
Congrats on the new position and love the musical reference to start the post :)
As if you weren't busy enough. Good luck balancing everything.
I can't think of a question at the moment. If I do, I'll be back.
What's easier, solving boyfriend issues or comma splices?
Oh my blog is full of my nightmares today. Well, not all are nightmares. ;0
You are busy, how do you find time to write?
I have issues with commas and quotation marks and periods when writing dialogue. I make a mess of things. I really do. ,",. :)
Is it okay to use apostrophes after a decade number (i.e., 70's, 80's, etc.). I always thought apostrophes showed possession. And the 70's NEVER possessed me! Well, despite those platform shoes and powder blue leisure suits.
So THAT'S why Ashton never returns my calls!
My older sister studied to become a preschool teacher. Is it a rewarding job?
I'll read your posts, promptly forget them then send off what I write to my editor. I try, but my brain has other things on its mind.
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