If I had to come up with one word that defined 2011 for me, the word would be protest. There were all the Middle East protests, the Occupy Wall Street movement, and, I think we can agree most importantly, the Sexiest Man Alive protest.
As many of you may remember, back in November of 2011, People magazine awarded the Sexiest Man Alive title to Bradley Cooper. I distinctly recall the moment I learned that the coveted title had been bequeathed to Mr. Cooper. I was in line at the supermarket purchasing some guacamole ingredients. I make really good guacamole. The secret is a dash of cumin. Anyhow, I’m in line and I see this:
I’ll admit that I didn’t immediately succumb to Bradley Copper’s charms, but as I have mentioned in previous posts, as soon as I saw some footage of him speaking French in an interview, I swooned and converted. So I agreed wholeheartedly with People’s decision.
However, not everyone agreed. A group of people gathered outside of the People magazine headquarters to protest the fact that Ryan Gosling hadn’t won the title.
I can totally see their point. He’s hot. I saw Crazy Stupid Love. I saw those abs. And he’s a great dresser.
I think both Bradley and Ryan are perfectly acceptable Sexiest Man Alive contenders.
The Bradley/Ryan controversy reminds me a lot of the addicting/addictive controversy. You see, like Bradley and Ryan, the words addicting and addictive are both acceptable words to use when you are trying to express that something is dangerously habit forming:
Watching Bradley speak French is addicting.
Admiring Ryan’s abs is addictive.
However, the English language sticklers insist that addictive is the only acceptable choice.
I wouldn’t consider myself a stickler. If the word is in the dictionary, that’s all I need, and addicting is in the dictionary.
And speaking of the dictionary, in your opinion, under the word sexy, whose picture will you find?
I don't think I could think of a better example than using these two men. They are both addicting/addictive or whatever else you want to call it!
Jessica Alba, yet one more Hollywood Starlett with a restraining order on me.
At the risk of sounding really cheesy, mine would be my own husband!
Ryan Gosling, Hugh Jackman, Adam Levine when he's eaten a sandwich or two. And, yes, my husband, as well.
Thanks for the pictures! I was mesmerized by the RyGos pic on my Blogger reading list. Not a bad way to commence my blog surfing...
Confession time: I had second thoughts about mentioning "Limitless" in my moral premise article. (I have also seen the French interview and I'm NOT immune to his charms ;)) But it was perfect to illustrate my point. [Do you think Monsieur Cooper will ever forgive me??]
I don't know that I am addicted to either of those men. I like BIG men. They strike me as medium to smallish. I would, however, have to know their measurements to make an informed decision.
How's that for objectifying men is the grossest of manners? Hee hee.
I would vote for Paul Newman circa "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." See also: smoulder.
missed it by THAT much
First thing I need to do is differentiate between the categories. (I once considered composing an entire blog bit about this subject with photographic examples of each group, but I just never got around to it.)
I have 4 categories for desirable women:
1: Beautiful
2: Pretty
3: Cute
4: Sexy
Now most women would probably assume (mistakenly) that #1 is the best. Not necessarily so. In the case of the #1 woman in the #1 category - Gene Tierney - it is true. No one can top her. The problem with Gene, however, is that she was SOOO beautiful that she was "goddess-like", making her seem "untouchable". On my best day I would NEVER be worthy of touching her; I can only admire from afar, and thinking that NO MAN was ever really worthy of touching her.
I could name other women who fall within category #1 but whom I lust after less than I do some women in categories 2 & 3.
Not all of the 1, 2 & 3 women are included in #4, because "sexy" is a very different, difficult to analyze category. "Sexy" is that woman who naturally brings out the animal in a man, and although I like to look, and would also like to touch, not every beautiful, pretty, or cute woman makes my motor immediately start to overheat.
OK, enough of the preliminaries, now on to the main bought:
I can't name any current stars because I stopped going to the movies long ago, and much prefer the old classics. I recognize some of the names, like Jessica Alba and Jennifer Lopez, but I couldn't pick them out in a police lineup.
And I could list a fair number of "sexy" women from the past, but I suppose it's best to go with the first impression - the first face that appeared in my mind when I read your question: "In your opinion, under the word sexy, whose picture will you find?"
Gotta say...
Lauren Bacall.
She was still kinda hot even when she was kinda old. Real sex appeal can still come through despite aging.
(Incidentally, Julie Newmar also scores high in category 4.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Just add Ryan Reynolds to that list and I'm sold....
(I'm completely ignoring the grammar aspect to this post and focusing on HOTTIES!)
Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper are both pretty cute. But my sexiest would be rocker Nikki Sixx and I don't think he'll ever be on the cover of People with that title with all his tattoos! :)
And that is so funny you brought up addictive/addicting because I seriously pondered that in the last few months. And used both words!
I'm afraid I can't relate to your fondness for Mr. Cooper.
But for myself, Susan Coffey completely dominates that definition.
Every year I always enjoy learning which new words are added to the dictionary. I might not always care for the words that join our vernacular, but it's always a fascinating read for me.
Iam Somerhalder. His eyes are addictive and addicting and I'm addicted to him. :)
i prefer Ryan because he's Canadian! ;)
Oddly- sexy for me equals Justin Long. However he actually made it on the ugliest actor list not too long ago so I believe I am very much alone in this assertion.
LOL...........Crystal you're a trip. Ok I'm a guy so in MY dictionary you would find Catherine Zeta-Jones.
No no no.. It's easy - Ryan Gosling has a baby face. He looks silly. Abs don't do anything if they're not attached to a good looking face. And yea... Bradley Cooper definitely has a good looking face. But my favourite'll always be Ioan Gruffudd.
Bradley Cooper, definitely. Ryan Gosling is (ahem) cute - probably because I've only seen him as the 'young Hercules'
bradley cooper somehow also reminds me of patrick dempsey. hmm.
This gave me an idea, ill just buy 10 of these magazines, paste my photo on the front, sneak back in and place them in the rack and then wait till a woman picks one up to introduce myself!
I remember the French clip and I've noticed Gosling photos all over Facebook. They're okay. I think Ray Allen from the Celtics is pretty hot.
Tobacco is both addicting and addictive but nicotine is only addictive.
Ha! I just taught this point last week. "Addicting" has to be acceptable because it is a present participle adjective ("addicted" is the past participle adjective) So to all those who shun "addicting", I say, "Get an excitive life!"
Oh and P.S. I vote for Ryan!!!!
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