They were feeling sorry for me because they couldn’t believe that my life was so pathetic that I actually found the shit I was teaching as interesting as I did. You see, I tend to get really excited when I teach language awareness.
Enthusiasm oozes from me as I encourage them to take advantage of all the wonderful verbs at their disposal. I work myself into a frenzy as I ask the class, “Why use boring old walk when you could use verbs that paint a picture like lumber or saunter or parade? Isn’t skulk such a fun verb? Isn’t the verb wilt just so beautiful? ”
My enthusiasm, however, isn’t contagious. My students just stare at me with this expression that says, “Awww. The poor dear. She really needs to get a life. Maybe we should show her how to play Angry Birds.”
However, I think I actually broke through to one student. I was grading her essay today, and she used a very interesting verb in an essay about her bike:
The feeling of absolute freedom I get when I curse down the street at full speed with the wind in my hair is amazing.
Everyone cruises down the street, but cursing down the street on a bike at full speed is pretty unique.
Usually, it’s me in my car cursing at the bikers.