I mentioned in my last post that I was going to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Well, I went. I red eye flighted (I know that’s not a word, but that’s how tired I am) my way there on Thursday and flew home at 7am on Sunday. But, even though I sacrificed all that sleep, I never did get close enough to tell Jon and Stephen the good news:
that I had opted to go out with them over Clive and Johnny.
All of these people were in my way:
But, you know, it’s cool. The rally was awesome. The music was fantastic, the comedy was hilarious, Jon’s final speech was inspirational, and I was basically in grammar nerd heaven. Check out this awesomeness:

I would have liked to have seen a sign saying "MY GRAMMAR IS BETTER THAN YOURS". That would have put a bit of edge into the event.
THAT'S what all the traffic was on Saturday. I wondered. But I didn't even know about it. Looks awesome. I've heard good things about it.
I saw a very good one that said, "Spelling Counts" except that the "o" in counts was raised a little (get it) and below it had a picture of a Tea Party person with a sign that read, "Obama is a Moran".
My bro went to that. He lives in NY and took some sort of event bus that got lost so he only got the last 1/2 hour. He would have totally joined you for scrabble. :)
Wow! I love a big crowd!
I would not choose them over Johnny...or Russell Brand but I do know some friends that would. That's a shock to me!
Love that last poster. Seriously, how enraged must one be to not take the time to spell check? Nothing kills a good rant more than spelling errors ;-)
I'm so jealous! Even more so now that I know there were a bunch of Grammar Geeks in addition to the politicos. I had a friend there from NYC, but didn't know you got to go!
How cool! Even with last night's tea party victories in the House, feels nice to know there are people willing to gather for rational thinking.
WOW! Did you play scrabble later??
awessssssssssome, wish I could have got away
Jenny, you are adorable and I love you and all your awsomeness.
Funny! Rally on!
I just love that sign about playing Scrabble! Nice to see signs that have correct spelling and grammar.
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