Imagine how daunting it was to go through the awkward high school years with this as my competition:

We use less when we refer to not having as much of something that can't be counted individually. And we use fewer when we don't have as much of something that can be counted individually:
Watch this funny clip from Flight of the Conchords and your day at work will be less crappy. Spoiler alert: Bret and Jemaine would like fewer dicks on the dancefloor.The difference between further and farther is not what I used to think it was: that further is simply a fancier, more sophisticated form of farther.
We use farther when referring to actual distance:
That coffee shop is farther from my house than the other one, but the compliments make up for the miles.
And we use further when referring to a greater degree:
Please expand further on what you like about my outfit.
It's pretty easy to remember because farther has the word far in it, which refers to physical distance. It also has the word father in it, and when I was little, every time we would go somewhere, I would ask my father, “How much farther?”
So, what did you think about my post? Did you really, really, really like it?
And I know that many people think this guy is the most beautiful man in the world, but, I don't know, he's just not my type:
Not everyone has the same definition of beauty.
Of course, that’s not to say that we should always avoid such all-encompassing words. I can definitively say that I have never met Johnny Depp. But, I am not going to give up hope and say that I never will.
You never know.