I love gifts, so I was excited, and I headed down to the post
office (which in Australia is actually up).
When I got there, my package was waiting for me, but get this:
they wanted me to pay for it. I can’t remember why; I think it was customs
related. But the point is that it was my
birthday and this was a GIFT—and there was no way I was going to pay for my birthday gift.
Gifts, by definition, are free! That’s why they’re awesome!
And that’s why offers like this, that we see all the time, are
It’s like saying “wet water” or “famous celebrity” or “male
chauvinist pig.”
(I don’t know about you, but every pig I’ve ever met has been a
male chauvinist.)
When we’re writing, we want to proofread for redundancies like
these because we don’t want unnecessary words weighing down our sentences.
One of the most common redundant phrases I see in my students’
papers is “The reason why I _______ is because _______.”
This can be cut down to “The reason I ______ is ______.”
Another one that cracks me up is when sentences start with “As
human beings, we should ________.”
As far as I know, we are all human beings, right? Isn’t it safe
to assume our reader knows that?
Or am I out of the loop? Have aliens penetrated our atmosphere?
That might explain Miley Cyrus’ abnormally long tongue.
As you stated, actually, not all of us are humans; some humans are pigs and some are... other things. At that point, it is entirely valid to specify that your statements apply only to the human readers.
I think I am redundant.
I lived in Gosford, NSW for one birthday.
Andrew has a point :p
...and her hair horns.
the best things in life are free. that's what i tell myself anyway. it's not working. i'm an alien.
Great story but I'm curious to know what happened to the gift. Did you pay for it or did you convince them to give it to you for *free*? ;) (I can totally see you explaining the contradiction to the clerk!)
Curiosity alone would have swayed me to pay for the gift. Did you pay? Hope it was worth it ;)
I love this! I have to say I am definitely guilty of doing this in my writing time and time again. I will definitely need to be more on the look out for this because you are right it is just redundant.
Strunk & White's section on this ("omit needless words") is great. It's so easy to go on and on about something that could be said in two words. "Owing to the fact that" becomes "since." "The fact that he had not succeeded" becomes "his failure." It's hard to spot them, though, in your own writing.
Free gifts, of course, aren't free: you only get them by buying something. **Pbbtth** marketers.
I want to know why Miley's freakishly long tongue is BLUE. It's like someone spliced in a lizard gene.
"Brought to you by your Department of Redundancy Department."
I've been told by professors that I'm "wordy". My husband's trying to help with this by teaching me to edit. It's so HARD. that's what she said.
How is it that I've missed this many of your posts? I'm a terrible person. I don't even have moving as an excuse.
Miley Cyrus's tongue. Like so many things about her that night--not sexy.
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