I haven’t posted anything
on this blog for ages and ages, and it’s not my fault. I didn’t mention this earlier, but I had a
baby—and it’s totally her fault I haven’t had time to post. I know they say
babies are super easy and not time consuming at all, but I must have had a dud!
My baby demands all this time and attention, and she’s so darn cute that I’ve
been spending my time staring at her little face.
It’s not all the baby’s
fault, though. I also have to blame Amazon Prime. I just signed up, and that
made me have to binge watch Transparent and Mozart in the Jungle, and now I am
totally addicted to Downton Abbey. I’ve
been watching so much Downton that my
inner monologue is in a British accent. At least I sound smarter and more
cultured to myself.
However, today is National
Grammar Day, and dammit Grammar, I just can’t quit you! Also, I miss all my
blogging friends.
Since I have nothing
meaningful to contribute to the grammar world today, I’d like to recommend a
great book on writing and grammar: Steven Pinker’s The Sense of Style. It’s fantastic.
Have a wonderful National
Grammar Day!