Isn’t it exciting that I have a friend who, even when she’s sexting, writes out the word your, capitalizes the word Amazon, and closes with appropriate punctuation?
Oh, and I guess I am also pretty excited that this book thing is actually really happening! I’m so excited I want to use a ridiculous number of exclamation points! Can I? Just this once? Thank you.
Here’s the link. It doesn’t come out until September, but check it out. Have your friends check it out. Turn to the person to your right and ask him or her to check it out. Write your congressperson. Does anyone know Oprah? Can you put in a good word for me?
Congratulations for getting your book on Amazon :) Even when texting I use full grammar and punctuation. But sorry that's not what sexting is.
I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to get it! I'm also glad to know there are other people who spell correctly and write in complete sentences on texts...errr...sexts.
I guess I could offer you a sextet of kudos for your success.
I thought sexting was something else, but wouldn't "surprise text" be suxt?
Congratulations! No doubt it will be a worthy read. :)
I can't wait until your book comes out in September!
That is incredibly exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told my publicist. I think we'll each buy a copy.
Play off the Page
I'm so happy for you. This is HUGE.
And I'm also kind of happy for me. You see, you're all famous and author-y and stuff, and you've commented on my blog. That makes me famous by association!
That's so exciting! I actually put off reading this post until I was home, so no coworkers would wonder what the heck was going on.
congratulations ! it looks really exciting :)
Yay, I made the blog. I have always known you are brilliant and I am very excited about your present and future success.
Is "pre-order" hyphenated or not? Either way, that's what I'll be doing!
Congrats! I love Amazon, and I love your grammar lessons so I'm headed over there now. :)
So excited for you and cant wait to purchase this book!
Congrats on all of your successes! good for you! :)
Oh, congratulations! Of course extra exclamation points are necessary for something as exciting as this.
That is so very cool! I will write my Congressional representatives and even the Prez himself. Can't wait to read it and I hope to the dear lord you have filled it with my love of hypens - I really hope you have! ;-)
Wow, congratulations! I ever so love your word play.
That's so exciting! I'm adding it to my wishlist now.
Hi, Jenny. I could have sworn that sexting meant something else entirely, but what do I know? I was getting a headache just thinking about it. ;)
This is exciting news. I'm glad I thought to check in and see what might be new. I'm heading that way now...
That's so awesome! Congratulations, Jenny. Go nuts over them exclamations!
And is it my imagination, or was the time between getting an agent, scoring a deal and actual release actually quite quick?
Ok, probably didn't feel quick to you. However, I have heard tales of an eighteen month to two year long process.
Is that because its non fic, do you think?
Congratulations! How exciting!
Maybe those that use proper grammar and punctuation in texts could be called grexters? So if I texted this, it would be considered a "grext":
"Thanks for inviting me to the party. I'll see you then!"
Congratulations, MP. You deserve every one of those exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! I look forward to buying your book. (And I LOVE properly capitalized and punctuated texts!)
That is so exciting!!! Congrats!!!
OMG! I love it! Love it! LOVE IT!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (intentional use of too many exclamation points) :)
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